Upcoming Events
August, 2020: The 11th Hour film, presented by Leonardo DiCaprio, opens in LA and NY August 17
October 19-21, 2020: CIE presents the first annual BC Islands Beaming Bioneers Conference, Victoria, BC
Donna Morton, Past Speaking Engagements:
May, 2020: National Youth Leadership Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland
April, 2020: Change Conference, Glenlyon Norfolk School, Victoria, BC
March, 2020: Leadership Makes a Difference, Columbia Institute, Centre for Civic Governance
October, 2019: Victoria International Arts Symposium
October, 2019: Bioneers, San Rafael California, Panel workshop
May, 2019: Stirring Culture, Alberta College of Art and Design
March, 2019: Imagine BC: Dialogues on the Future of British Columbia
September, 2018: Creative Places + Spaces 2: Risk Revolution, Toronto [Donna Morton, Conference]
Fall, 2018: Victoria Values Based Business Network, AGM, Co-keynote
August, 2018: Rolling Thunder Tour, Seattle Washington
August, 2018: Canadian Urban Institute, breakfast talk, Toronto
June, 2018: BALLE international keynote, Vancouver Millenium Scholarship Annual conference, workshop 2018, plenary debate 2019
Recommended Past Events
2020 Downtown Victoria: The Successful Downtown
Women Create Opportunities
Underlying the success of both the Centre for Integral Economics and Markets Initiative is their founders’ ability to create new opportunities by bringing the right people together from all sides... Morton and Rycroft have found that true change is possible only when all sides are given an equal voice. With a sprinkle of business speak, and a large dose of emotional intelligence, these women have opened up the channels of communication to bring economy and ecology together in ways that serve to benefit all of us. [Full Story by Jessica Werb, Shared Vision, 2.1 megabyte PDF]
From Blockades to Boardrooms Two award-winning Vancouver Island “social entrepreneurs” base their work and their lives on a recognition that a truly healthy economy needs a healthy environment. [Story by Claire Malcolmson for Focus on Women]
The Tax Shifter
"She's part of a think-tank that wants to slash property taxes, business taxes and even income taxes — and boost taxes for polluters and SUVs. Donna Morton the tree-hugger has become Donna Morton the tax-shifter, heading a small but influential west coast think-tank." [Full story by Norman Gidney in Victoria's Times Colonist, 1.3 Mb PDF]
Winnipeg's New Deal
Winnipeg's New DealMayor Glen Murray and the City of Winnipeg are leading the country in calling for a "New Deal" that will revitalize Canadian cities and rural places. They are studying municipal tax shifting to rejuvenate their downtown core, reduce pollution and create jobs. Introducing smart taxes first will put Winnipeg ahead of its time, and make it a leader in the new economy. Other municipalities and higher jurisdictions will follow. Integral Economics was consulted by the City on municpal tax shifting. [Winnipeg Free Press, Globe & Mail]
Crossroads: Economics, Policy and the Future of Grizzly Bears in British Columbia
In this report, the Centre for Integral Economics shows that grizzly bear viewing is conservatively worth $6.1 million annually in British Columbia, while the hunt brings in only half as much. The argument to maintain the hunt as a significant economic benefit is found to be flawed. [news release, report, Globe & Mail]
25/08/20: |
Making taxes sexy: Green gurus say we should use city taxes to punish ugliness and reward sustainability [Full Story by Wayne Roberts in the Toronto Star] |
05/09/19: |
Making taxes work [By Judy Steed for TheStar.com] |
01/11/18: |
Green Taxes for a Greener World [By Guy Dauncey for EcoNews] |
Fall, 2016: |
Integral Economics: The possibilities are limitless, the promises are great [Perspectives by Donna Morton and Zane Parker for BC Environmental Report, Vol. 14 No. 2, by EcoBC |
March, 2020: Every Tonne Has its Price, Corporate Knights, Toby A.A. Heaps
December, 2019: This Ring a Nobel? Social and environmental entrepreneurs have a lot to teach big business, John Elkington and Mark Lee for Grist
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