The Centre for Integral Economics is a registered Canadian charity that works to promote innovative, market-based solutions that reconcile economic prosperity, social justice and environmental integrity.
We look for ways to use the power of market tools and economic policies, to redirect human activities and to create a less wasteful, more balanced society. We specialize in building tools, partnerships and communications for change.
Early on in our work, we recognized the power and potential of economic instruments to transform the fundamental direction and structure of our society, and the important role the Centre for Integral Economics could play as a non-profit, charitable organization committed to that vision. Since theories, however intuitive and compelling, do not change people's lives, the Centre for Integral Economics looks for genuine opportunities to redirect the power of markets toward positive outcomes. We help build examples of sustainability that can be adapted and replicated.
Donna Morton is the founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Integral Economics. She has extensive experience in building relationships between business and non-profits, strategic policy development, communications and government relations. She was recently recognized by Ashoka Foundation as a leader in social change innovation. Contact Donna by email.
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Amanda Pawlowski is the Executive Administrator for the Centre for Integral Economics. Amanda has a BA from the University of Victoria and eight years experience working with the Provincial and Federal Governments.
Dominique Collin is a principal with Waterstone Strategies and a national expert in social venture & community economic development policy and program administration. Dominique has more than 25 years of experience in First Nation access to capital issues including micro-credit, business financing, community banking, risk capital, housing and infrastructure financing, and First Nation government taxation. Dominique holds an interdisciplinary PhD on the topic of First Nations economics, modernization, and social identity.
We also work with Nikhil Joshi and Josh Sandulak, Students for Integral Economics.
The Centre for Integral Economics also draws on a large pool of contract professionals, including economists, researchers, writers, graphic designers and others.
Richard Kool, President - Richard is a biologist by training, and works at Royal Roads University as the Program Manager, Master of Arts Environmental Education and Communication. He formerly worked with the provincial Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection on environmental education, and was the Executive Director of the Sage Foundation.
Michael Barkusky, Treasurer - Michael is an economist by original training with an MBA and a Certified General Accountant designation. He is in public practice as a CGA in Vancouver and retains a strong interest in managerial and ecological economics, as well as in ecologically sustainable business practices.
Jeff Warwick, Director - Jeff is a founder and senior manager at Clover Point Cartographics. He brings an entrepreneurial expertise to the Centre for Integral Economics along with his broad experience with resource management issues.
Donna Morton, ex officio - Donna is the Executive Director of the Centre for Integral Economics (see bio, above).
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